Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hero's don't die, they grow wings

I live in a town that is probably made up of 80% military families. It's a Marine Corps town and you are reminded of that everywhere - I do mean everywhere! There are American flags on most homes, Marine Corps flags, barbarshops, tattoo shops furniture stores and car dealerships all have "military" names and every other car you see has Marine Corps bumper stickers..."My Daddy Defends our Freedom", "Marine Wife", "USMC", "My Man is a Marine", "My Husband Defends our Freedom". I love it. I never get tired or bored of seeing such patriotic people. I'm proud to live in a town where I'm surrounded by people that support our military. Yesterday I went to Target and I was parked next to a vehicle that had a bumper sticker that said "My Daddy died for our freedom". As soon as I read it I felt the tears in my eyes immediately. The date of the fallen Marine was on the vechile too - he was only 24 years old. Younger than me. He passed away just 5 months ago. I walked into Target looking at every girl in there that had a child, wondering which one lost their Husband...which one is living every Marine Wife's worst nightmare. The whole time I was in there all I could think about was that family. I hate that any military family has to go through losing their loved one. In a town life this one, it's hard to forget that war is very real. I guess the point of this blog is to just remind everyone that, yes - there is still a war going on and our troops are still losing their lives...please support our troops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a touching article. It gave me goose bumps. It is so true and we all need these reminders.