Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh so yummy banana dessert

I made a yummy banana dessert the other night and I thought I'd share the recipe for those of you who are interested! Well I kinda made it up as I went so I don't have an exact recipe but you can't really mess it up!

1 banana
2 tbsp of butter
2 tbsp of brown sugar
sprinkle of cinnamon/sugar
2 scoops vanilla icecream

melt butter over med-low heat and add brown sugar when melted, and stir.

slice banana down ceter, horizontally.

place banana sliced-side down in butter and let cook for about 1-2 mins and spoon butter mixture over the top while it's cooking. Sprinkle with a little cinnamon & sugar.

when done cooking, place banana's on plate and add 2 scoops of vanilla ice-cream over the top and drizzle with honey to finish! If you like you could also add whipped cream and drizzle with chocolate syrup instead!


Krissy Lynnae said...

wow, that sounds delish! I will have to try that sometime. We had the tried and true strawberry shortcake tonight.

Enjoying this beautiful life we've created said...

Mmmm, I loove strawberry shortcake! Definitley try this if you get the chance is quite delish =)