Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby on board!

So, despite losing my sweet pitbull Ali in February we also had some pretty good news. After trying to have a 2nd baby since Dennis got home from deployment in August, we found out we were expecting! After moping around the house crying for 2 weeks, this was the good news I needed to lift my spirits. This may sound silly to some, but I'm a HUGE dog person. Shoot, sometimes I feel like I can relate to a dog better than humans. They're non-judgemental, lovable, always happy to see you, loyal and pretty much just perfect in every way! They have a way of getting to know you in and out and you learn to have a rountine with them and you love them as if they're family. Ali was my baby for 9 years and I still miss him tremendously =( I'll always miss him. Back to the baby though. I woke up one Saturday morning and laid there in bed thinking of how much I still missed Ali laying next to me under the covers...I counted in my head how many days he had been gone...2 weeks...and then I realized "Hey, I think I'm a few days late!". Dennis and I hadn't been thinking of being pregnant for a while and we certainly weren't thinking of it at that time. So, while my hubby was out of bed already I decided to take a test. Positive popped up right away!!! I went out to show him immediately with my heart pounding out of my chest!!! He was pretty darn SHOCKED and HAPPY!! I'm 11 weeks today and feeling GREAT! Just like with Dennis, I've got no morning sickness and my belly is growing quickly!

Coco & Samantha
We also got 2 new puppies a couple weeks after we lost Ali. I probably wasn't ready for them. It was completely unplanned and we thought with our hearts and not our brains when we came home with 2 pups one Saturday! We got 2 females labs...a chocolate & black lab, they're sisters. We've had them for about a month now I suppose (maybe longer) and they've been great. It was rocky at first with using the bathroom in the house and waking up all night long but they're on track now! Now if we can just keep them from digging through to the neighbors yard everyday to visit with their Golden Retriever puppy! They don't take the place of my Ali...and in my heart I'm still a "Pitbull person" and honestly when someone asks me what kinds of dogs I have I'm probably gonna have to explain that I'm a pitbull person that just happens to have 2 I know I'm going to learn to love these dogs and I'll become attached to them one day too. Dogs have a way of doing that for sure.

Other big boy is gonna be THREE years old in just 3 months. I can't believe it. He's so darn sweet. He talks so much now, sleeps in a toddler bed, eats everything and everything, has great manners and is such a fast learner. I love that little man SO much! Here's a pic of him from today!


Nicole said...

Congrats! You look so cute with your little "bump"! The puppies are super cute too. We are not sure when we will be ready for another dog. My son is ready now. He misses Molly so much.

Enjoying this beautiful life we've created said...

Aww thanks Nicole =) I completely feel you on not knowing when you'll be ready for another dog. I got the pups WAY before I was ready, emotionally. The day we bought them I cried the whole ride home, and pretty much all day once we got home. I knew I wasn't ready..BUT I stay at home all day with my son everyday and not having Ali around made me feel so depressed every day. All I could think about was missing him so the pups have helped occupy my mind BIG time! I still miss Ali and always will but I'm such a dog person and having one (or two!) around has helped heal my heart. I sure hope you're feeling a little more at peace with losing Molly.