Thursday, June 2, 2011

Playing catch-up...again!

Everything has been wonderful lately! Dennis is in his "off cycle" at work which means instead of working his normal 100 hour weeks he's only working til about 1 or 2 everyday. I loooove his off time. My hubby and I are so close and really enjoy our family time...we always hate time apart. I don't know how we ever survived 3 deployments!

We had a little Memorial Day BBQ at our house with a few other neighbors/friends. We wrapped up that night watching our friends 1 yr old while they went to an evening wedding. He was a sweetie and lil man enjoyed the company of another kid! I think he's gonna be a GREAT big brother in a few months! We also watched a special on one of the local channels for Memorial Day. Shew! Talk about a cry fest! It really touched our hearts to hear so many stories of fallen heroes and the families that were left behind. It hits close to home for sure. Dennis had a very difficult deployment this last year. He was a "Marjah Marine". His battalion was part of a "team" that invaded the town of Marjah that was known to have tons of Insurgents. They knew the Marines were coming and they had time to prepare. He was in constant fire fights, his platoon his numerous IED's, some guys were KIA and many, many were injured. My Husband was amoung the injured but he made it home safely. For that we are very grateful. It saddens my heart to think about the lives lost. I know some may never get the true meaning of Memorial Day...and they probably never will. It's ashame, it really is. I know our children will always know what we're celebrating on that day though. We're not only taking time to remember those who lost their lives, but we'll remember those who were wounded, those who played their part in keeping this great countrys freedom and those who are still serving!

[Iraq homecoming, 2007!]

[Iraq homecoming 2008, meeting our son for the 1st time!]

[Afghanistan homecoming, 2011!!]

The day after Memorial Day we beahced it up with some friends for about 6 hours...and we PAID for that! I used SPF 70 and still managed to fry my thighs to a crisp! My face and chest burned a little too. My poor hubby didn't use anything and man oh man! He looks like a lobster! the part that burned the worst is the tops of his feet. They're almost purple! Not good when you have to wear military boots to work =( Little man was okay of course. He had on his little water shirt, a hat and the same spf 70 as me. That night we went to dinner with the same friends and just overall had a great day, despite buring so badly! [Dennis wanted to hold our hands for this picture! He's so darn CUTE!!]

We managed to get to a minor leage baseball game the next night and had an awesome time! My Husband loves sports and it makes him so happy to share his love of sports with his son. Little man enjoys it just as much. He loves when his Daddy plays sports with him, takes him to games and even just watches them on TV with him. A nice lady that got a ball used in the game gave it to him and that made his night. He even got 2 players to sign it for him! I couldn't have thought of a better way to wrap up a nice long weekend with my guys...sitting front row at a bball game, eating peanuts and icecream and seeing that faces of my guys just light up while watching the game =) Those two are my heart and I sure do looove my time with them!!

I'm now just over 19 wks pregnant! We find out in 6 days what we're having and I can NOT WAIT!!! I'm beyond excited to know what I have in my belly. Of course, we're hoping for a GIRL! I've had 3 dreams its a girl and 3 friends who have dreamed I'm having a girl! Either that's a sign OR I'm getting set up for MAJOR disappointment, lol. I'm obviously going to be thrilled with either sex but my heart really wants a little girl. Dennis is such a great Dad and he loves to get little Dennis involved in the things he loves...ya know, GUY STUFF. I just want a daughter...a little girl that I can share my girly interests with. I'm sure other girls know exactly how I feel. I'm ready for cute dresses, bows, doll babies and tea parties! I've been starting to feel little movements in my tummy and I'm loving it. I remember exactly how it feels when the baby really starts to grow and kick and move. It's an amazing feeling!

The pups are GREAT! They're such little lovebugs! They're so well behaved for just 5 1/2 months old. They've definitely found a spot in my heart already and I've definitely formed that bond with them. They're already almost 50 lbs and the vet expects them to DOUBLE that size by the time they're ONE! WOW-zers! They're gonna be HUGE!

Coco & Samantha @ 5 months old. Coco is laid back and sweet and Sammy is a little companion...needing constant love and attention! Sweet little girls =)


Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

Ahhh! So is it a girl or a boy?! How exciting! You look fantastic. = )

Young People in Love said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE everything about this post! sooo much love and happiness :) thanks for sharing!