Saturday, June 25, 2011

On my mind...

It's been over 4 months since I lost my sweet old man Ali and it still hurts =(  I still cry seeing pic's of him and wish so bad that he was still here enjoying life with us.  He was the perfect example of how sweet pitbulls can be and I'm so happy he was mine.  I sure do miss this sweet doggy though...

Chewing sticks - his FAVORITE thing to do!  He managed to get out and chew one in our backyard just 2 days before he passed =( 

He loved car rides with me.  He usually didn't have his head out the window though - he was usually curled up on the front seat sleeping while I rubbed his head.

This guy never knew a dog bed, to him - this was a "dogs bed"

I swear, he had such expressions!!  You could read his emotions all over his face - he smiled, looked sad, looked bored, excited, worried, confused...I miss those faces! 

Big yawns!  Always loved this pic of him =))


Sarah Beauregard said...

Jennifer, I wanted to thank you for your comment about my verbal abuse post and my pitbull, Sergeant. I'm literally crying over this post on Ali. Everything you wrote reminds me of Serg and I'm trying to soak up all the time I can get with him now that he's getting older. Ali is soo handsome and you can tell the bond the two of you had together. Congratulations on your beautiful family and your little one on the way.

Catherine Holman said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. We also lost our companion of 12 years a few weeks ago. She will be dearly missed.
Have fun painting your kitchen cabinets!

Puddleduck said...

Just stumbled across your blog. I love the photos of Ali, precious.

New follower:

Brandi said...

Hi Jen! I hope you see this comment, as it's been a few years since your post. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Ali. I have a dog that is mixed with pit and she is just the sweetest too. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting.